Bringing you exciting Grade 3/4 News and Events!

Tuesday 28 March 2017

How about another great week? "YES" replied the students!

Hello school fans,

What an amazing first week back! The students were so excited to  get back to their learning and could not wait to show off their maker skills. The students have really shown how they have been preparing for easter with our Lenten words and focusing on the three pillars of Lent (Pray,Fast,Give)

Last week we had several teachers from another school board come in and observe our students learning in our makers space. They were amazing and really showed how excellent working in a makers space is.

For science we have started our next unit on Habitats and Communities and they have joined a few of their fellow students in creating a research project on a habitat/animal of their choosing. I cannot wait to see what amazing presentations they create.

For math we have continued to work on Money and Data Management. We will be having a Money Assessment on Thursday this week, they have done great work.

Language we decided to work on poetry and we started with Haiku's. They have written some excellent ones based on a landscape painting they made.

Music this week we are learning how to better use the Bucket Drums and we were lucky to have a high school student from St. Peters come and show us some very cool skills.

Finally our Genius Hour has been a great success and the students are really excited to be in charge of their own learning, it is amazing seeing them have the drive to learn in such an in depth way!

Bye for now!

Sincerely Mr. Boddy.

Words of Wisdom
"Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible." Francis of Assisi

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